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Neutralino.resources namespace implements several methods to parse, read, and extract the loaded resource bundle (resources.neu). If the app doesn't load resources from the resource bundle and uses the resources directory, all these methods will use native filesystem API as a fallback.


Returns all files and directories embedded in the resource bundle.

Return Object (awaited):

An array of path strings.

let files = await Neutralino.resources.getFiles();
console.log('Files: ', files);


Returns resource file statistics for the given path. If the given path doesn't exist or is inaccessible,NE_RS_NOPATHE is thrown. So, you can use this method to check for the existance of a file or directory.


  • path String: Resource path.

Return Object (awaited):

  • size Number: Size in bytes.
  • isFile Boolean: true if the path represents a normal file.
  • isDirectory Boolean: true if the path represents a directory.
let stats = await Neutralino.resources.getStats('/resources/icons/myIcon.png');
console.log('Stats:', stats);

resources.extractFile(path, destination)

Extracts a file from the resources bundle to a preferred path. Throws NE_RS_FILEXTF for file extraction failures.


  • path String: Resource file path, i.e., /resources/icons/appIcon.png, starts with / similar to all Neutralinojs app resources.
  • destination String: Path where the extract file should be created.
await Neutralino.resources.extractFile('/resources/scripts/', './scripts/');

resources.extractDirectory(path, destination)

Extracts a directory from the resources bundle to a preferred path. Throws NE_RS_DIREXTF for directory extraction failures.


  • path String: Resource directory path, i.e., /resources/icons, starts with / similar to all Neutralinojs app resources.
  • destination String: Path where all extracted files should be stored.
await Neutralino.resources.extractDirectory('/resources/scripts', NL_PATH + '/extracted/scripts');


Reads a text file from resources.


  • path: Resource path.

Return String (awaited):

File content.

let data = await Neutralino.resources.readFile();


Reads a binary file from resources.


  • path: Resource path.

Return Object (awaited):

Content of the binary file as an ArrayBuffer.

let data = await Neutralino.resources.readBinaryFile('/resources/images/myImage.png');
let view = new Uint8Array(data);

console.log('Binary content: ', view);