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neu CLI

npm npm

You can easily create, run, and build Neutralinojs applications with neu CLI.


Run the following command on your terminal to install the CLI globally.

npm i -g @neutralinojs/neu

You can also use neu CLI via npx if you don't want a global installation.

npx @neutralinojs/neu <command>


neu create <binaryName>

Creates a new Neutralinojs app based on a template.


  • <binaryName>: The name of your application's binary file. For example, if you used myapp, the final application binaries will become myapp-<platform>_<arch>.


  • --template: Sets the application template via GitHub repository identifier with the <account>/<repo> format. The default value is neutralinojs/neutralinojs-minimal

neu build

This command will create the dist folder. Thereafter, it will produce the binaries for all supported platforms and resources.neu resource file from your application resources.


  • --release: Creates a portable ZIP file of the application bundle.
  • --copy-storage: Copies the current snapshot of the Neutralinojs storage to the application bundle.

neu run

Executes the current application (This will execute specific binary depending on your operating system). This command will change execution permissions (using the chmod command) of the binary files on Linux and macOS. Also, it enables auto-reload for the current application. In other words, when a modification happens to application resources, the Neutralinojs application will be reloaded automatically.

You can see Neutralinojs process and extensions output streams while the application is running.

If you use the cli.frontendLibrary key in app configuration, the CLI enables both frontend library's development environment and Neutralinojs's development evironment at the same time. This option patches the main HTML file with the Neutralinojs client library global variables to expose the native API to the frontend library's development server. Learn how to setup this feature from this guide.


  • --disable-auto-reload: Disables the auto-reloading feature.
  • --arch=<arch>: Explicitly set the CPU architecture. This option is helpful if you use a 32-bit Node.js process on a 64-bit computer.
  • -- <process-args>: Sets additional CLI arguments for the Neutralinojs application process. For example you can enable the browser mode by entering neu run -- --mode=browser. See all accepted arguments from here.

neu update

This command will update the existing Neutralinojs binaries and client library from the internet. You can use the nightly tag for the cli.binaryVersion and cli.clientVersion in the neutralino.config.json file to use experimental daily pre-releases.


  • --latest: Fetches the latest framework version details via the GitHub API, downloads from official releases , and update the app configuration with fetched version details.

Nightly builds refers to automatically generated daily builds, so these builds can contain experimental or incomplete features. Therefore, avoid using nightly versions in your production apps. Use nightly versions to try out latest features, but use a stable version for production apps.

neu version

Prints all version information. If this command is executed from a Neutralinojs application directory, you will see project-specific version details. Otherwise, you will see global version details.

neu plugins [plugin]


  • plugin: Plugin identifier. This value is usually the npm package identifer.


  • --add: Registers a new plugin to neu CLI. neu CLI downloads plugins to the CLI's node_modules directory and loads during the bootstrap process. Plugins can introduce new commands to the CLI.
  • --remove: Unregisters an existing plugin.


Neutralinojs app developers are able to write plugins to add their own commands to the neu CLI. You can develop CLI plugins with the folllowing steps.

Developing a plugin

neu CLI will register plugins using index.js as an interface. Create a new npm package with index.js and add the following code snippet.

// index.js
module.exports = {
command: 'commandname <action>',
register: (command, modules) => {
command.option('--option1 --option2')
.action((action, command) => {
//your logic goes here..

command is the CLI command string with actions. The register function will be called when plugin is being registered. Also, it has the command object and standard modules object as parameters. Please check commander package documentation for more information about commands and callback parameters.

Publishing your plugin

Once you publish your plugin to the npm registry as a public package, anyone will be able to install it using:

neu plugins --add <package-name>

and it can be removed using:

neu plugins --remove <package-name>

See the Appify plugin source for further implementation details.


Please check the changelog from GitHub.