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The Neutralino.window namespace contains methods related to the current native window instance. This namespace's methods will work only for the window mode.


Sets the title of the native window.


  • title String (optional): Title of the window. Clears the title, if the function was called without the parameter.
await Neutralino.window.setTitle('New title');


Returns the title of the native window.

Return String (awaited):

The current title of the native window instance.

let title = await Neutralino.window.getTitle();
console.log(`title = ${title}`);


Minimizes the native window.

await Neutralino.window.minimize();


Restores the native window from the minimized state.

await Neutralino.window.unminimize();


Returns true if the native window is minimized.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • true or false based on current minimized status.
let status = await Neutralino.window.isMinimized();


Maximizes the native window.

await Neutralino.window.maximize();


Restores the native window.

await Neutralino.window.unmaximize();


Returns true if the native window is maximized.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • true or false based on current maximized status.
let status = await Neutralino.window.isMaximized();


Enables the full screen mode.

await Neutralino.window.setFullScreen();


Exits from the full screen mode.

await Neutralino.window.exitFullScreen();


Returns true if the native window is in the full screen mode.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • true or false based on current full screen status.
let status = await Neutralino.window.isFullScreen();

Shows the native window.



Hides the native window.

await Neutralino.window.hide();


Returns true if the native window is visible.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • true or false based on current visibility status.
let status = await Neutralino.window.isVisible();


Focuses the native window.

await Neutralino.window.focus();


Activates or deactivates the always on top mode. 


  • onTop Boolean (optional): Says whether the on top mode should be activated or not. The default value is true.
await Neutralino.window.setAlwaysOnTop(true); // or setAlwaysOnTop();
await Neutralino.window.setAlwaysOnTop(false);

window.move(x, y)

Moves the native window into given coordinates. Neutralinojs's cross-platform coordinate system starts from top-left corner of the screen. In other words, x=0,y=0 point refers to the top-left corner of the device's main screen.


  • x Number: An integer value for the horizontal position.
  • y Number: An integer value for the vertical position.
await Neutralino.window.move(200, 400);

Centers the native app window within the current display.



Sets an icon for the native window or Dock. 


  • icon String: Path of the icon. A 200x200 PNG image file works fine on all supported operating systems.
const icon = '/resources/icons/appIcon.png';
await Neutralino.window.setIcon(icon);

window.setDraggableRegion(domId, options)

Converts a given DOM element to a draggable region. The user will be able to drag the native window by dragging the given DOM element. This feature is suitable to make custom window bars along with the borderless mode.


  • domId String | HTMLElement: A DOM element identifier.
  • options DraggableRegionOptions (optional): Customize the behavior of the draggable region.


  • alwaysCapture Boolean (optional): If set to true, the region will always capture the pointer, ensuring that dragging is not interrupted when moving the pointer quickly. Note that it prevents child elements from receiving any pointer events. Defaults to false.
  • dragMinDistance Number (optional): The minimum distance between cursor's starting and current position after which dragging is started. This helps prevent accidental dragging while interacting with child elements. Defaults to 10 and is measured in CSS pixels.
await Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion('myCustomTitleBar');

await Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion('myCustomTitleBar', {
alwaysCapture: true,
dragMinDistance: 15


Converts a draggable region to a normal DOM elements by removing drag event handlers.


  • domId String | HTMLElement: A DOM element identifier.
await Neutralino.window.unsetDraggableRegion('myCustomTitleBar');


This method sets the size of the window.


  • width Number (optional): Window width in pixels.
  • height Number (optional): Window height in pixels.
  • minWidth Number (optional): Minimum width of the window in pixels.
  • minHeight Number (optional): Minimum height of the window in pixels.
  • maxWidth Number (optional): Maximum width of the window in pixels.
  • maxHeight Number (optional): Maximum height of the window in pixels.
  • resizable Boolean (optional): A boolean value to make the window resizable or fixed.

This method always expects width and height couples. For example, if you are setting minWidth, you should set minHeight too.

await Neutralino.window.setSize({
width: 500,
height: 200,
maxWidth: 600,
maxHeight: 400

await Neutralino.window.setSize({
resizable: false


Returns window size information.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • width Number: Window width in pixels.
  • height Number: Window height in pixels.
  • minWidth Number Minimum width of the window in pixels.
  • minHeight Number: Minimum height of the window in pixels.
  • maxWidth Number: Maximum width of the window in pixels.
  • maxHeight Number: Maximum height of the window in pixels.
  • resizable Boolean: Says whether the window resizable or fixed.
let sizeInfo = await Neutralino.window.getSize();



Returns window position coordinates.

Return Boolean (awaited):

  • x Number: Horizontal coordinate of the left edge of the window.
  • y Number: Vertical coordinate of the top edge of the window.
let position = await Neutralino.window.getPosition();


window.create(url, WindowOptions)

Creates a native window. You can use this method to create new window for your multi-window Neutralinojs app. Neutralinojs spawns a new process for each native window. Therefore, the new window works as an isolated app once the window is created.

However, you can build communication streams between windows with the storage API.


  • url String: URL to be loaded. Eg: /resources/aboutWindow.html. Supports loading both local and remote app resources. Local resource paths need to begin with /.
  • options (optional): an instance of WindowOptions type.


  • title String: Window title.
  • icon String: Window icon path.
  • fullScreen Boolean: Sets full screen mode.
  • alwaysOnTop Boolean: Activates the top-most mode.
  • enableInspector Boolean: Activates developer tools and opens the web inspector window.
  • borderless Boolean: Makes the window borderless.
  • maximize Boolean: Launches the window maximized.
  • hidden Boolean: Hides the window.
  • maximizable Boolean: Makes the window maximizable or not.
  • exitProcessOnClose Boolean: Exits the application process when the user clicks the window's close button.
  • width Number: Window width.
  • height Number: Window height.
  • x Number: Window x position.
  • y Number: Window y position.
  • minWidth Number: Minimum width of the window.
  • minHeight Number: Minimum height of the window.
  • maxWidth Number: Maximum width of the window.
  • maxHeight Number: Maximum height of the window.
  • processArgs String: Additional command-line arguments for the new window process. Check all supported internal command-line arguments from here.

Return Object (awaited):

  • pid Number: Process identifier.
  • stdOut String: Standard output. This value is always empty since the new window process starts asynchronously.
  • stdErr String: Standard error. This value is always empty since the new window process starts asynchronously.
  • exitCode Number: Exit code of the process.
await Neutralino.window.create('/resources/aboutWindow.html', {
icon: '/resources/icons/aboutIcon.png',
enableInspector: false,
width: 500,
height: 300,
maximizable: false,
exitProcessOnClose: true,
processArgs: '--window-id=W_ABOUT'