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neutralino.config.json file contains the application configuration details. Every Neutralinojs app typically loads the following keys from the config file.

  • applicationId
  • url
  • defaultMode

However, having a config file is not mandatory to start a Neutralinojs app since the Neutralinojs framework often loads reasonable defaults for all configuration options.

You can develop Neutralinojs apps with a well-structured configuration file. Or, you can start the framework without a configuration file using CLI arugments, as shown in the following code snippet:

# Loading a remote URL
./framework-bin --url=

# Launches a local static web app
./framework-bin --url="/" --document-root="/resources/" --window-title="My web app" --enable-server --enable-native-api


The following configuraion values cannot be overridden in different Neutralinojs modes.

applicationId: string

Unique string to identify your application. Eg: js.neutralino.sample

version: string

Application version. Eg: 2.4.22

defaultMode: string

Mode of the application. Accepted values are window, browser, and cloud.


You can override the following configuration values from different modes. For example, you can use a specific URL in root-level and another URL in window-mode-level, as shown below.

"url": "/"
"modes": {
"window": {
"url": "/#window-mode"

port: number

The port of your application. If the value is 0, Neutralinojs will use a random available port.

enableServer: boolean

Enables or disables the background server (Disables static file servering feature and native API messaging). If you load a remote URL to the webview, you can set this option to false. Make sure to set this option to true if you load resources from local sources. The default value is false.

enableNativeAPI: boolean

Enables or disables the native API. If you want to use any native API functions, you can set this option to true. The default value is false.

singlePageServe: boolean

Activates SPA (Single Page App) serving. When this option is enabled, the static server module serves the primary index.html file for sub-directory requests only if another index.html doesn't exist in a specific sub-directory. The default value for this option is false.

tokenSecurity: string

Neutralinojs uses a client-server communication pattern with a local WebSocket to handle native calls. This local server is protected with an auto-generated token. This option defines the security implementation for the token.

Accepts the following values:

  • one-time (Recommended) : Server sends the access token only once, and the client persists it in the sessionStorage. If another client (Eg: browser) tries to access the app, NE_RT_INVTOKN error message will be shown instead of the application. Using this option is recommended since it reduces security issues.

  • none : Server sends the access token always, so any new client can see the application.

The default value becomes one-time if this setting is not specified by the developer.


If you are using native APIs that can access your computer's internals such as os, filesystem, modules, never use none option since any new client can use those APIs.

url: string

The entry URL of the application. Neutralinojs will initially load this URL. This property accepts both relative and absolute URLs. See following examples.

"url": "/"

The above config loads http://localhost:<port>/ URL initially (internally /index.html is loaded). You can use remote urls too.

"url": ""

documentRoot: string

Sets the document root for the static server. For example, if you need to use resources directory as the document root, you can use setup documentRoot as follows.

"documentRoot": "/resources/",
"url": "/"

Make sure to configure url properly with the document root. The following configuration is wrong, it instructs the static server to fetch resources from ./resources/resources.

"documentRoot": "/resources/",
"url": "/resources/"

However, you can use a sub-directory in URL, as shown below.

"documentRoot": "/",
"url": "/resources/"

exportAuthInfo: boolean

Exports authentication details to the ${NL_PATH}/.tmp/auth_info.json file with the following JSON structure.

"port": "<port>",
"accessToken": "<access_token>"

You can use the above authentication details to connect with Neutralinojs from external processes by using WebSocket as an IPC mechanism.

enableExtensions: boolean

Enables/disables extensions. Learn more about this option here

extensions: object[]

An array of extension definitions. Learn more about this option here

nativeBlockList: string[]

An array of native methods needs to be blocked from the frontend of the application. The wildcard character * is allowed inside entries.

"nativeBlockList": ["os.execCommand"],
"nativeBlockList": ["app.*"]

nativeAllowList: string[]

An array of native methods needs to be allowed from the frontend of the application. The wildcard character * is allowed inside entries.

"nativeAllowList": ["os.getEnv"],
"nativeAllowList": ["storage.*"]

globalVariables: object

A key-value-based JavaScript object of custom global variables.

logging.enabled: boolean

Enables or disables the logging feature.

logging.writeToLogFile: boolean

Enables or disables log file. If this setting is false, the framework won't write log to neutralinojs.log, and it will write logs to standard streams.

serverHeaders: object

Custom headers for the static server and Websocket handshake process. For example, the following configuration sends a custom header with every outgoing HTTP response.

"serverHeaders": {
"Test-Header-Option": "Value"

Window mode

The following configuration values are used when the application runs with the window mode.

modes.window.title: string

Title of the native window.

modes.window.width: number

Width of the native window.

modes.window.height: number

Height of the native window.

modes.window.minWidth: number

Minimum width of the native window.

modes.window.minHeight: number

Minimum height of the native window.

modes.window.maxWidth: number

Maximum width of the native window.

modes.window.maxHeight: number

Maximum height of the native window.

modes.window.x: number

Left position (x) of the native window.

modes.window.y: number

Right position (y) of the native window. boolean

Centers the native app window initially.

modes.window.transparent: boolean

Enables the transparent native window mode for the application instance. If the transparency mode is activated, users can see through the webview if the webpage background uses transparent background colors. Partial transparency can be activated using the rgba() CSS color function. You can use this feature to create semi-transparent windows, windows with custom shadows, and custom-shaped window frames.

The default value is false for this option.


Unlike in other platforms, Windows native window becomes borderless (window controls will be hidden) with the activation of the transparent mode.

modes.window.fullScreen: boolean

Activates the full-screen mode.

modes.window.icon: string

Application icon's file name. You can directly point to an image file in the resources directory. We recommend you to choose a transparent PNG file.

modes.window.alwaysOnTop: boolean

Activates the top-most mode.

modes.window.enableInspector: boolean

Automatically opens the developer tools window.

modes.window.borderless: boolean

Activates the borderless mode.

modes.window.maximize: boolean

Launches the application maximized.

modes.window.resizable: boolean

Make the window resizable or not. The default value is true.

modes.window.hidden: boolean

Make the window invisible. This setting can be used to develop background services.

modes.window.exitProcessOnClose: boolean

If this setting is true, the app process will exit when the user clicks on the close button. Otherwise, the framework will dispatch the windowClose event.

modes.window.useSavedState: boolean

Save and load the primary window state (width, height, x, y, values and maximized status) automatically. The default value is true.

modes.window.extendUserAgentWith: string

Extends the default webview-specific user agent string with a custom suffix. If this value is not set, the webview sets the default user agent from the platform-specific rendering engine (i.e., WebKit on GNU/Linux).

Chrome mode

The following configuration values are used when the application starts with the chrome mode. number

Width of the chrome window. number

Height of the chrome window. string

Additional command-line arguments for the Chrome process. Read more about chrome mode from here


The following configuration values are used for the neu CLI.

cli.binaryName: string

Binary file name of your application. If it is myapp, all binaries will use myapp-<platform>_<arch> format.

cli.resourcesPath: string

Path of your application resources.

cli.resourcesExclude: string

Regex pattern to exclude files from final app bundle. For example, the following configuration will exclude all the TypeScript source files from the final build:

"resourcesExclude" : ".*\\.ts$|.*\\.tsx$"

cli.extensionsPath: string

Path of your application extensions.

cli.extensionsExclude: string

Regex pattern to exclude files from the extensions directory of the final app package. For example, the following configuration will exclude .log and .info files:

"extensionsExclude" : ".*\\.log$|.*\\.info$"

cli.clientLibrary: string

Filename of the Neutralinojs JavaScript library.

cli.binaryVersion: string

Neutralinojs server version. Get nightly builds by using the nightly tag.

cli.clientVersion: string

Neutralinojs client version. Get nightly builds by using the nightly tag.

cli.autoReloadExclude: string

A JavaScript regular expression to exclude files from the auto-reload file watcher. For example, the following configuration will disable auto-reloading for SASS stylesheets (.scss).

"autoReloadExclude": ".*\\.scss$"

Use | character to set multiple regular expressions, as shown below.

"autoReloadExclude": ".*\\.scss$|.*\\.less$"

cli.frontendLibrary: object

Enables frontend development tools (HMR, etc) for the neu run --frontend-lib-dev command. Learn more about frontend framework integration from here

cli.distributionPath: string

Sets the build path for neu CLI. For example, if you need to get the built binaries in build folder instead of dist, you can set the distributionPath as follows:

"distributionPath": "/build",

The default value for distributionPath is /dist.